Dicker Data's Brisbane TechX 2017
Doughnuts AND Technology, who could say no?!? Not us, that is for sure. Which is why we headed along to the Dicker Data TechX event that was recently held at the Brisbane Convention Centre.
Dicker Data are one of Australia's biggest technology wholesalers and TechX is their chance to meet with resellers including FinTechnologies and show off the latest trends in technology.
The evening started with quick fire TEDx style talks focusing on the Internet of Things (IoT) which is the interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data, such as a smart fridge sending a message to your phone that you are out of milk.
Cyber Security was also a hot topic with HP's The Wolf video starring Christian Slater offering some scary statistics on data security including a 400% increase in compromised data records in the past two years .
With everything from Virtual Reality Pods to the new Tesla Model X the room was abuzz with excitement as we learned about the latest product releases and future trends.

FinTechnologies security partner WatchGuard was also in attendance, this year we have been working together to roll out their Threat Detection and Response (TDR) security service in conjunction with their firewall and wi-fi products to further protect our SMB clients from attacks such as Cyrptolocker and WannaCry on their infrastructure. FinTechnologies is the only WatchGuard Managed Security Services partner in Queensland.

All in all it was a very informative and fantastic event to attend with over 50 product vendors and manufacturers showing their wares and the doughnut board was a sight to behold.